Working groups
ANDRONET is organized in the following working groups:
See the following link for an updated list of all Working Group participants:
Research coordination (WG1)
- To establish a central list of resources and to coordinate the research data
- To monitor and coordinate the exchange of samples between labs
- To organize Short term scientific missions (STSM) for the exchange of early career investigators (ECI) between labs (short term projects) with complementary skills
- To organize the research workshops
- To promote the implementation of research collaborations teams and coordinate contacts with commercial enterprises.
WG1 Leaders:
Frank Tüttelmann (Leader) - Germany, Judit Castillo (Vice-Leader) - Spain, Kristian Almstrup (Co-leader) -Denmark, Katerina Komrskova (Co-leader) - Czech Republic, Ana Katusic Bojanac (Co-leader) - Croatia, Antoni Riera Escamilla (Co-leader) - Spain
Professional education (WG2)
- To coordinate the efforts toward recognition of andrology as a subspecialty in the frame of a multidisciplinary joint committee of UEMS
- To help developing new andrology training centres in Europe, with focus on ITCs
- To organize andrology campus/schools to train clinicians in andrology
- To prepare clinical guidelines for professionals
WG2 Leaders:
Leen Antonio (Leader) - Belgium, Csilla Krausz (Vice-Leader) - Italy, Lars Björndahl (Co-leader) -Sweden, Rosita Condorelli (Co-leader) - Italy, Josanne Vassallo (Co-leader) - Malta
Male health awareness (WG3)
- Preparation of information leaflets and articles for patients and the lay public.
- Setting-up internet-based portals with information on male health issues
- Creating the annual European 'Male Health' week.
- Creating the COST Action webpage
- Disseminating scientific/d educational information to professionals, patients and the lay public.
WG3 Leaders:
Andrea Sansone (Leader) - Italy, Chris Barratt (Vice-Leader) - UK, Viktoria Rosta (Co-leader) - Hungary, Eduard Ruiz-Castañé (Co-leader)- Spain